# Copyright 2009 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. # Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement # provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies # this software in either electronic or hard copy form. # Script description: # Set the translation of a newly created cube and show how to find a model by its name # # Topic: FBScene, FBComponent, FBFindModelByName # from pyfbsdk import FBModelCube, FBSystem, FBComponent, FBModelCube_TypeInfo, FBFindModelByName, FBVector3d lobj = FBModelCube('Cube') lobj.Show = True # Going through all the items in the scene for lComp in FBSystem().Scene.Components: # in this particular case we are looking for anything with the type of FBModelCube if lComp != None and lComp.Is(FBModelCube_TypeInfo()): # Get to the handle to the model lcube = FBFindModelByName(lComp.Name) # Use the screen name to set the translation vector ltran = lcube.PropertyList.Find ( 'Translation (Lcl)' ).Data = FBVector3d( -10, 5, 20 ) if not ltran: print "Can't find value" # Clean-up del(lobj, FBModelCube, FBSystem, FBComponent, FBFindModelByName, FBModelCube_TypeInfo, lComp, FBVector3d)